
New Ping

What it does: The new “family” of Ping putters might be connected aesthetically, but these putters present different approaches in terms of materials and face technologies to produce the best roll for specific player types. Across mid-mallets and high-stability options, this entails a mix of milled faces, polymer face inserts, stainless steel, aerospace aluminium and tungsten heel and toe weights. Together they tackle the feels, shapes, alignment optics and forgiveness different players require without having to adhere to one technology theme.

Why we like it: Ping embraces the idea that there is no one right answer in putters. But one thing Ping’s mallets share is ball-speed consistency. Even better, that consistency comes whether you’ve opted for a polymer face insert or a smoothly milled model.

SPECS 7 models; head weight 355-365 grams; length 33-36, 41.5 inches

Reviewer profile

“The look is clean with a nice finish and two-tone aesthetic. Putts are quiet, and the heavier feel made it easy to make a tempo stroke.”

– Player Comment

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