
Hi-Toe Ray

What it does: Though it has become a company staple, TaylorMade did not invent the high-toe wedge (Ping’s early Eye2 L wedge from the 1980s was a forerunner). But TaylorMade’s version certainly has taken the form in its boldest directions, including the 100-percent milled sole design. Not only does the large shape and toe mass push weight higher for a flatter trajectory with more spin, but those cutouts low in the back further shift the centre of gravity upward so that the face stays open longer on open-face shots. 

Why we like it: This club has gone from specialty club to a full line of wedges. Even the way TaylorMade designs its full-face grooves seems like a paradigm shift. The raw face means the groove pattern can push the limits, and laser etching between grooves adds friction. 

Specs 9 options (50-62 degrees); 3 sole grinds; 1 finish

Reviewer profile

“Love the bronze finish. Gives a player touch who doesn’t have any. The grooves give you spin anywhere on the face.”

– Player comment

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