
Exclusive Offers for Golf Digest+ Members

To help deliver on our promise to give Golf Digest+ members access to the best in golf, we have partnered with numerous top brands to give you exclusive discounts. Below is a list of the discounts currently available to our members, but be sure to check back often, as the list is continually growing! This Read more…


Success looks cozy on golf’s most stylish couple, Stephen and Erica Malbon

I first met Stephen Malbon 10 years ago at golf’s annual PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando. I had attended enough of them to know the unofficial dress code for men: navy blazer, tie, khakis and the most deceptively comfortable dress shoes you could find for traipsing the harshly carpeted miles between appointments on the convention Read more…

PGA Tour winner: This is my key feel for a wide, powerful backswing

If they gave out gold medals for the latest wrist set in modern golf, Jake Knapp would take home the gold, says his longtime swing coach John Ortega. Knapp’s wrists don’t fully hinge until the club nears the top of his backswing, which is one reason why his club runs well past parallel. So just Read more…