
King Vintage

What it does: Cobra takes the traditional mallet design and packs as much modern help into it as possible, highlighted by a face featuring SIK Golf’s descending loft pattern. 

Why we like it: The Vintage line’s names are inspired by the classic-car catalogue, and in a sense, so is their essence. As sharp as these babies look on the outside, what makes them purr is what’s under the bonnet. The descending loft pattern means that if a player is hitting upward or downward at impact, putts will launch off the face at the same ideal degree. Further helping the roll is the use of repositioned weight via ports in the sole. This provides increased stability and a lower centre of gravity. Plus, there’s no shortage of head and hosel options among the seven models available.

Specs 7 models; head weight 350, 365 grams; length 34, 35 inches

Reviewer profile

“It releases itself. It wants to help you swing. The aiming is intuitive, too. A minimalist mallet shape that still has a lot of help.”

– Player comment

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