
RTX 6 Zipcore/Full face

What it does: Cleveland’s innovative ZipCore technology involves removing weight from the lower heel area and using it elsewhere. In this latest update, 21 grams are redistributed to increase the moment of inertia (forgiveness) to mitigate the loss of distance on mis-hits, particularly on shots struck high on the face.

Why we like it: Although ZipCore is a true game changer, it would be criminal to overlook the new face finish that uses blast media and laser patterns. It is applied differently for low lofts (46 and 48 degrees), middle lofts (50 and 52) and high lofts (54 to 60). The idea behind the varying applications is to produce consistent spin between the wet and dry conditions – something all you dewsweepers out there can benefit from.

SPECS 15 options (46-60, 64 degrees); 3 sole grinds; 1 finish

Reviewer profile

“Instills confidence on every kind of short shot. You always feel under control. You could stop the ball on a basketball court.”

– Player Comment

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