Looking to learn what you need to know about the latest new products from Wilson? These handy thumbnails will keep you up to date on the company’s new releases across all club and ball catetgories.
Wilson Triad and Duo Soft balls: Wilson’s second iteration of its Triad ball moves weight from the ball’s core to its mantle layer. Doing this allows for the density of all three layers (including the urethane cover) to be equal. That produces a ball that is better balanced with a higher moment of inertia to promote less movement in flight as well as less wobble on the greens. This time around, a change in compression as well as a change to the core and mantle construction brought meaningful enhancements. Meanwhile, the new Duo Soft is a two-piece Surly ball the company believes to be the softest ball in the game. Triad, $40 per dozen; Duo Soft, $30 per dozen.
This article was originally published on golfdigest.com