
M7X Private Reserve

What it does: Nothing this side of a helicopter parent at the local putt-putt does more to keep a player on target than SeeMore. By hiding the red dot at address, the golfer knows not only are these putters aimed properly, but their body, eyes and hands are perfectly square to the target. That setup position also ensures the putter’s loft at impact is correct so that putts will roll more consistently. 

Why we like it: Of course, there’s more to putting than alignment. That’s why this model combines the soft feel of an aircraft-grade-aluminium inner-core face insert (with deep milling for a better roll) and a soft 303 stainless-steel body. Also, the putter’s balance keeps the face square to its lie angle. This reduces how much the hands manipulate the face during the stroke for better consistency.

Specs 1 model; head weight 365 grams; length 33-35 inches


Reviewer profile

“Instant feedback on alignment even when I’m a millimetre too far. Deadly on short putts; it’s just so easy to set up and putt.”

– Player comment

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