After celebrating the event’s 25th anniversary in 2016, the PGA of Australia is continuing to grow and evolve Australia’s largest and most successful pro-amateur team’s event.
In an innovative and exciting move, the Holden Scramble season will be changed to make the event more accessible to golfers across the country. The new season dates are:
- Local Season: 1 June 2017 – 28 February 2018
- Regional Finals: March/early April 2018
- Championship Final: May 2018
No longer will Scramblers have to rug up with beanies, jumpers and thermals to enjoy their local event. Clubs can get away from the winter months and stage an event when the weather is more pleasant and golfers around the country are enjoying the sunshine.
The season has also been increased by two months, providing players greater flexibility in which to schedule a Holden Scramble in the golfing calendar.
The Regional Finals will now be staged in March which generally experiences perfect golfing conditions across the country, and the shift in date for the Championship Final will mean that any southern state participants will benefit with an escape of the colder southern winter, to enjoy four days of sunshine in Queensland.
In addition to the new season structure, the PGA are exploring new tee gift and prize pack options that will provide greater value for every participant.
Make sure you follow the Holden Scramble Facebook page and website to stay up to date on further announcements for the upcoming season.