On first glance, you might roll your eyes at this, but the more you think about it, the more this product makes a lot of sense for golfers or gymgoers. (Or both!) MIVA Recovery is a water bottle and a foam roller.

Why does it make sense? First, think about the environment. In an era when golf courses are trying to reduce pollution by eliminating single-use plastic water bottles, going to the golf course with your own reusable container is responsible and economical. Of course, make sure your golf course will allow you to bring it. And if they don’t, you might want to find another golf course. That’s a dumb policy.

Second, having a portable device for myofascial release (fancy talk for a massage) is going to help increase range of motion and reduce soreness when you need it the most. Taking a few minutes to get the kinks out after walking 18 will make getting up the next day a little bit easier.

According to the manufacturer, the roller/bottle is available in six different colors (shown here), holds 25 ounces of liquid in a double-walled steel container to help keep things cold and is slim enough to fit in a cup holder (or possibly a golf bag).

The cost is $49 and can be purchased at mivarecovery.com.

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This article was originally published on golfdigest.com