All Australian golf club members will check their handicap information and scoring history at – the Golf Australia home page – from next week.
You’ll find the handicap look-up functionality at the top of all pages on the site. Simply enter your GOLF Link number into the box and hit “handicap look-up”.
Golf Australia chief executive Stephen Pitt encouraged all golfers to look around the website after viewing their handicap to sample our other content and initiatives.
“It’s a real game-changer for golf in this country that Golf Australia regains the full rights to the GOLF Link program,” Pitt said.
“We will be able to exert more influence on the service we provide to golfers and hopefully give them a great experience as they check movement in their handicap and playing results. It will strengthen our ability to invest in golf and help drive our important development programs such as MyGolf and Swing Fit.
“It will allow us to better communicate with golfers around the country and make golf stronger in Australia, so it’s a very important initiative.”
Those golfers who use GOLF Link to view their handicaps will be automatically redirected to from next week.