Whatever you’re after in a push buggy this summer, these models offer a new convenience for your round

Tee-times are a hot commodity in these boom times golf is enjoying. Even hotter, though, are the latest push and motorised buggies to get you around 18 holes hassle-free. The good news for you is that manufacturers have increased their production, so you won’t have trouble finding one as the warmer weather sets in. 

Golfers look for different things when purchasing a push buggy. Some are looking for the lightest, most compact version possible. Others prioritise maximum storage and accessories. No matter what your priorities are, you’ll find a winner in these options.

1. Motorised

MGI Zip Navigator All Terrain – AT

With independent swivelling front wheels that provide added strength and stability, the Zip Navigator AT is designed with a full directional remote control, which will give you the ability to walk freely on any terrain and help take the stress and fatigue out of your next round. Powered by a lithium 24V 380Wh battery, the Zip Navigator AT is also integrated with Patented Gyroscope Straight Tracker Technology, which automatically tracks the buggy on a straight line on even the most rugged, hilly and sloping courses.

With a simple Zip-fold mechanism for compact storage and easy transportation, the Zip Navigator AT will let you feel your best to play your best. For more information, visit mgigolf.com

2. Compact

Big Max Autofold FF 

Haven’t heard of Big Max? Well, the company is the largest push buggy manufacturer in Europe and are available here via Drummond Golf. We love the products in its line for their sleek, lightweight designs that fold to convenient sizes. The Autofold FF is the easiest of them all as it takes just a push of a button for the cart to collapse into an easily storable, compact shape. There’s room on the cart to keep your essentials, and the wheels are stable for whenever you find yourself searching for a ball that somehow went offline. See more at drummondgolf.com.au

3. Three-Wheel

Concourse CBM3

The CBM3 is the evolution of where it all began – the lightest, most compact buggy available. With featherweight ‘snowflake’ design pull wheels, it’s the perfect system for players who want to travel light, and glide around the course.

The CBM3 push buggy offers a range of unique features plus a streamlined profile that makes for ideal storage and transportation. Operation is with a quick setup and pack away. The removable wheels can be stored in the wheel bag provided when not in use. See concoursegolf.com for more.

4. Four-Wheel

Clicgear 8.0+ Push Buggy

The Model 8.0+ features the company’s new and patented 4XFOLD technology that allows all four wheels to fold, making for a much smaller folded size. This also allowed Clicgear to make the front wheels open wider, for greater stability. You’ll also notice there is no lawnmower-type front axle to slow you down in tall grass – always a plus. See more at proshopgolf.com.au