As you may have already heard, Shane Lowry is your 2022 BMW PGA Championship winner. As you may also have heard, Shane Lowry was very hungover on Monday morning. What happened in those fateful hours between lifting the trophy at the Wentworth Club and waking up in the courtesy car bleary-eyed and dehydrated? Well, thanks to this hilarious first-drink, last-drink video of Team Lowry’s celebrations on Sunday night, we don’t have to guess.
Safe to say there isn’t a soul in Lowry’s entourage who would have passed a breathalyser by the time last call rolled around, but one of these men is most definitely like the other. That man is caddie Brian “Bo” Martin, a.k.a. the drunkest human being on planet earth. If you’re watching without sound, here’s what Bo had to say to his family, friends and fans when asked to bid them adieu in the wee hours of Monday morning.
“You can all **** off, ******* stupid ******* Irish ***** ***.”
We’re not here to judge. This was all in good fun, Martin has been a near perfect fit for Lowry since hopping on the bag in late 2018, and the morning always dolls out its own unique form of justice. Sometimes, however, you gotta call a spade a spade, and this spade is drunker than a skunk swimming in a Jameson barrel.