A simple introduction to the full swing
Kids rarely like being told what to do. In my 25-plus years of coaching, I have learned that the most effective tool in skill development is self-discovery. But that’s not to say we can’t guide them to where we want them to go.
Even if we start young golfers with putting and the short game, invariably they will want to hit balls. We can introduce them to the swing mechanics we want to create in a way that is not only fun but is a concept they will already understand.
Take your junior down to the driving range or the park and before they pick up a club, ask them to pick up a golf ball. Ask them to aim at a target down the range and throw, paying particular attention to where their throwing arm is positioned as they draw the ball back and where it finishes after release. For a right-handed thrower, the arm should be at 9 o’clock when it goes back and 3 o’clock after release.
Ask them to monitor how their body moves when take their arm back and how they move onto their front foot as they throw. After a few throws, put a club in their hand and ask them to swing the golf club using the same motion.
It may prove challenging at first but, with a reference point that they understand, they are far more likely to persist without the need for any further instruction in the short term. And they will have a basis of a swing they can build on.
If you have any questions or are interested in undertaking some online lessons, e-mail me at [email protected]