There’s something magical about a par save. They are one of golf’s few moral victories. They require mastery of the sport’s four main tools, grit, skill, creativity and luck. Most importantly, a good par save embodies what the game of golf is all about: the eternal struggle to be, simply, average.

Not all par saves are created equal, however. Just ask this Instagram hero, who is enjoying their 15 minutes of fame after recording one of the most unlikely (and pressure-packed) par saves you will ever see. Check it out:

Imagine standing over your approach on the last hole of the day only needing to find a sliver of the green to break 80 for the first time… and instead you fly it halfway up the Himalayas. That’s enough to send most golfers into an irreversible doom spiral, but not this guy. He picked himself up, dusted himself off and hit the shot of his life. See, kids? Anything is possible when you’re wearing one of those stupid beanies with the pom-pom on it.

Watch a golfer need a DOZEN attempts to get out of infamous St Andrews Road Hole bunker

Fashion quibbles aside, there are some questions about whether this guy actually found his ball in the thigh-high fescue or, you know, “found” “his” ball. But with a shot that good we think he’s earned the benefit of the doubt.